Ophiotaurus is the "serpent-bull" in Greek folklore...
He is a monster born with the foreparts of a black bull and the tail of a serpent....
It was slain by an ally of the Titanes in their search for a victory against Zeus....
This story may have been part of the lost Greek epic known as the Titanomachia (War of the Titanes), in which the giant Aigaion was represented as an ally of the Titanes. Ovid here calls Aigaion Briareus, the name of his son in both the Titanomachia and the Iliad...
It is said that whoever kills the Ophiotaurus and sacrifices its entrails will become filled with power.
This is supposed to be so much power that with it, you could take on the gods themselves...
Post Image: http://bit.ly/Q2OWk8
The Picture describes a rate transformation of Ophiotaurus into a Minator...
See Minotaur: