Trauco is a legendary goblin that lives in the woods of Chiloé...
In Chilean folklore El Trauco is described as a deformed dwarf-like spirit that is dressed in a suit and hat made of natural fibers...
This humanoid spirit is said to inhabit the holes of trees, from where he spies upon young women who wander the roads and mountains.
According to folk tales, the his wife is the wicked and ugly Fiura...
The Trauco has a powerful magnetism which attracts young women and that whoever is chosen by him will go to him and fall enraptured at his feet...
He is also represented as a warlock that is able to produce sickness to the kids and even the older ones.
It is said that if you can get his staff and hit the ground with it, he can feel the hits. And if you carry the stick to your home and hang in over a fire, it will start to distillate oil, with which you can heal all the people who have fallen victim to the Trauco's curses.
It is also said that if someone can look at the dwarf before he looks at him, the Trauco will die...
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