Dike is the spirit of moral order and fair judgement based on immemorial custom, in the sense of socially enforced norms and conventional rules in Greek folklore.
She's one of the HORAE and was born as a human to keep the peace on Earth. When this didn't work, Zeus resorted to Plan B and dragged her up to Mount Olympus instead.
Dike is one of the Nymphs that make up the Horae.
The Horae were originally seen as personifications of the changing seasons and the forces of nature but later the Horae became goddesses in their own right.
The Horae were depicted as being at the gates of Olympus and alongside Zeus.
"…listen to right and do not foster violence…The better path is to go by on the other side towards Justice; for Justice beats Outrage when she comes at length to the end of the race…" (Hesiod, Works and Days, 214ff.).
See the Horae:
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