The Pugut is believed in Philippine folklore to be a dark, headless giant who stations itself in lonely roads or in balete trees, often carrying decapitated heads of its victims...
The pugot may also manifest itself as a beheaded ghost...
This shapeshifting monster dwells in dark places, abandoned structures and large trees the acacia, balete, santol, etc...
It can assume various shapes such as hogs, dogs or even as humans. However, it usually appears as a black, gigantic headless being.
However, some folktales depict the pugot as having its hands cut off, instead of the head.
It is said that this fiend is not a dangerous creature, seemingly content to merely scare people silly...
Aparently, the Ifugao version of this headless being, which is called numputul in that region, trips merrily along, stuffing snakes and other creepy crawlies down the stump of its neck.
The more he gets, the happier he is. Or at least, as happy as one can be without seratonin production...
The pugot can be made to disappear just by lighting a lamp. So if you see a headless man anywhere, strike a match and poof he goes!
See the Dullahan:
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