Mnemosyne, the daughter of Ouranos and Gaia, has with Zeus nine daughters: The Muses...
She is a Titaness; a daughter of the first generation of deities in Greece.
Mnemosyne is the personification of memory...
She was the embodiment of an oral culture that communicated the soul through their stories and metaphors.
She became known as the Mother of Inspiration.
There was a spring dedicated to Mnemosyne before the Oracle of Trophonius at Lebadea.
The mortals who came to consult the Oracle had a choice afterwards to either keep their Memory and drink from the Spring of Mnemosyne or to forget their past and drink from the Spring of Lethe...
"... and in addition to the gods you mentioned I must call upon all the rest and especially upon Mnemosyne. For practically all the most important part of our speech depends upon this goddess ..." (Critias to Hermocrates. Plato, Critias 108d).
See Gaia:
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