Fukurokuju is the Shinto god of wealth, happiness, and longevity in Japanese lore...
Fukurokuju is a personification of the southern polar star and he is often confused with Jurōjin (another god of Taoist origin and member of the Seven Lucky gods). The two are said to inhabit the same body, but to represent different manifestations of the same celestial body
The bald and bearded Fukurokuju has long whiskers and unusually elongated forehead . He is typically shown in the customary garments of a Chinese scholar and holding a cane with a scroll attached to it.
He may also have a tortoise or crane near him (both creatures are icons of longevity in China and Japan). He is also sometimes with a black deer.
Fukurokuju was not always included in the earliest representations of the seven in Japan. He was instead replaced by Kichijōten (goddess of fortune, beauty, and merit)...
Post Image: http://bit.ly/1wFOQPc