Ninhursag, the 'Queen of the Mountain', is the Sumerian earth and mother-goddess, and a goddess of fertility...
She is the consort of the supreme god Enki (and is as such identified with Damgalnunna).
Ninhursag is one of the oldest members of the Sumerian pantheon and has prestigious titles such as 'mother of gods' and 'mother of all children'. She is also called Nintu, "lady of bearth", and Ki, the earth.
She was the tutelary deity of the Sumerian rulers, who styled themselves "children of Ninhursag"...
Being one of the oldest of the Mesopotamian gods, Ninhursag both subsumed the characteristics of similar beings was later herself subsumed by the fertility goddess Inanna/Ishtar...
Ninhursag is typically depicted wearing a horned head-dress and tiered skirt, often with bow cases at her shoulders, and not infrequently carries a mace or baton surmounted by an omega motif or a derivation, sometimes accompanied by a lion cub on a leash...
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